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Colonoscopies ‘R Us Update 2009 and 2013 October 8, 2009

Posted by Admin in Cancer, Diary, Health Insurance, Healthonymous, Money.
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2009: The reckoning has come in the mail. The colonoscopy will only be $267.30! I guess you have to amortize it over the ten years of not having to go back.

Only $26.73 per year or  just pennies per day…… Can you tell I’ve listened to a public radio pledge drive?

To learn more about colon cancer, visit the STOP colon cancer site.

2013: Are my friends who have refused to have colonoscopies wrong? At least in 2013, we know that alternatives are being investigated. As a cancer survivor, I find the idea of a ten-year pass very appealing. However, you must still pay attention to things like diet, exercise and  your family medical history.

I may have mentioned this in another post, but I did not learn about my family cancer history, until being diagnosed with it myself in my 20’s (the immortal decade).


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